- Comprehensive Database
- Chemical Properties
- Bioactivity Data
What is PubChem?
PubChem is a freely accessible database maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). It provides comprehensive information on the biological activities of small molecules. As one of the largest databases of its kind, PubChem contains data on chemical structures, properties, biological activities, safety, and toxicity. The platform is extensively used by researchers, educators, and the general public for accessing detailed chemical information.
PubChem offers three main databases: Substance, Compound, and BioAssay. The Substance database contains records provided by various contributors, the Compound database consists of unique chemical structures derived from the Substance data, and the BioAssay database includes biological activity results. Users can search for chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers. The platform also integrates with other NCBI resources, providing links to scientific literature, protein structures, and genomic information. With its robust and user-friendly interface, PubChem serves as an essential resource for scientific research and education in chemistry and biology.
Where does the data in PubChem come from?
The data in PubChem comes from a variety of sources, including scientific literature, chemical vendors, government agencies, and research institutions. Contributors submit their data to PubChem, which is then curated and integrated into the database.
How can I search for chemical compounds on PubChem?
You can search for chemical compounds on PubChem using the search bar on the homepage. You can search by compound name, molecular formula, structure, or PubChem CID (Compound ID).
What information can I find on a compound's page?
A compound's page on PubChem includes detailed information such as chemical properties, biological activities, safety and toxicity data, patents, literature citations, and more.
Is PubChem free to use?
Yes, PubChem is completely free to use. It is an open chemistry database available to the public.
How often is the data on PubChem updated?
The data on PubChem is continuously updated. New data is added regularly as new research and information become available.
Can I download data from PubChem?
Yes, PubChem provides various options for downloading data, including downloading individual compound data, as well as bulk data downloads for larger datasets.
How can I submit my own chemical data to PubChem?
You can submit your own chemical data to PubChem by registering as a depositor and following the guidelines provided on the website.
Does PubChem provide API access for developers?
Yes, PubChem provides an API that allows developers to programmatically access and retrieve data. Detailed documentation and examples are available on the PubChem website.
What should I do if I find an error in the data?
If you find an error in the data, you can report it by contacting PubChem support. Provide as much detail as possible to help them address the issue.
Can I use PubChem data for commercial purposes?
Yes, you can use PubChem data for commercial purposes. However, it is always good practice to review the terms of use and ensure compliance with any licensing requirements.

Cosmetic Check

- chemical database
- compound information
- molecular structures
- bioactivity data
- substance properties
- chemical safety
- drug discovery
- toxicology research
- biochemistry resources
- pubchem search
6 alternatives to PubChem for Ingredient Analysis
The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) evaluates the safety of cosmetic ingredients through scientific review and public meetings, ensuring transparency and credibility.

Cosmetics Info
Cosmetics Info provides reliable, science-based information on the safety and regulation of cosmetic and personal care products, helping consumers make informed decisions.

PubChem is a free database from NCBI providing detailed information on chemical structures, properties, and biological activities, widely used for scientific research and education.

INCIDecoder provides quick and easy-to-understand, science-based explanations of skincare ingredients.

CosDNA is an online database that analyzes cosmetic ingredients, providing safety ratings and information on risks and benefits.

EWG's Skin Deep®
EWG’s Skin Deep® database offers practical solutions to help you and your family avoid everyday chemical exposures in personal care products.